Our Team

Meet the Team

Gregorian Group is growing and we are happy to have well-rounded individuals that bring knowledge and experience from different industries and disciplines, in order to successfully complete any project, and offer our clients a value-added service.

Nicolino Di Gregorio
Emeritus Non-Executive Director
A visionary and pioneer in the architectural woodwork and construction industry. Nick was known for his wide experience, special knowledge, and personal qualities.
Ricardo Fittante
With a background in architectural woodwork and finished carpentry and a B.Comm in Management from The John Molson School of Business, Ricardo adds extensive design and management experience to our team.
Aldo Fittante
Advisor & Business Development
Joseph Goulo
Real Estate Broker
BComm. Accounting
Davide Evangelista
Davide studied Civil Engineering at Concordia University and is a registered member of Les Ordre des Ingenieurs du Quebec. He is also a certified home inspector.
Ester Di Gregorio
Accounting & Finance

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